Review of the hardback: 'Auction theory has a crucial role in designing practical procurement strategies. With its distinguished list of editors and contributors, and its focus on translating theoretical results into practical conclusions, this volume seems certain to become an essential reference for practitioners.' Paul Klemperer, Edgeworth Professor of Economics, Oxford University and author of Auctions: Theory and Practice
Review of the hardback: 'The Handbook of Procurement is just what the field of public procurement needs at the present moment in its history. It covers essential elements of public procurement including competitive tendering strategies and procurement transparency.' Khi V. Thai, Florida Atlantic University, and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Public Procurement
Review of the hardback: 'A very useful textbook, combining theory, innovative research into international public procurement and practical advice into a single volume. There are useful sections for procurement professionals on the theory behind dynamic procurement systems - and auctions in particular.' Hugh Barrett, Chief Executive of