Biographical note
Dr Geetika Jain is Lecturer in Digital Transformation at Keele Business School, Keele University, UK. Prior to joining Keele Business School, Geetika Jain was a Senior Researcher at the European Blockchain Center, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She was associated with the Danish Skylab Innovation Center as an Expert Researcher. Geetika has gained corporate experience at GE (General Electric), USA, as a strategic consultant. She has a proven record of publication with ABS‑3*/3 journals and is an active reviewer of FT50, Academy of Management, ABS and WoS‑listed journals and associated with different journals as an editorial board member and guest‑edited the journal’s special issue.
Malahat Ghoreishi, DSc, is Senior Researcher and Lecturer at LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Her research focuses on digitalization and circular economy, data‑driven solutions in circular economy and data‑driven and digitally enabled business models in circular economy. She has been involved in several European and Horizon projects as a researcher. She has been involved in several European and Finnish National projects related to circular economy and sustainability.