'Without question, virtually all of our organizations are ill-adapted for the complex, multi-domain challenges they face. The solution lies in DESIGN. This book is a one-stop shop for the latest thinking about Organization Design.' David S. Alberts, President, International Command and Control Institute and author of Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority
'This book is a GPS for leaders interested in creating a path toward organizational adaptivity and resilience through facilitation, empowerment, continuous learning, and collective creativity.' Oliver Rhine, Senior VP, Chief Strategy Officer - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
'Tackling rapidly evolving phenomena like design thinking, platforms, open innovation, and agile and intelligent digital actors, this volume explores implications for organizational design, theory and practice. The authors collectively reveal the fluid means and enriched toolkits organizations have at their disposal to enable change repeatedly and unexpectedly.' Siobhan O'Mahony, Questrom School of Business, Boston University
'Today's business leader is seeking new insights for building organizations that can deliver on complex, global strategies. This book provides a research-based foundation of current thinking for both managers and organization design practitioners.' Christie Smith, Global Leader Talent & Organization, Accenture
'Adaptive organizing is one of the core topics in contemporary management theory and research. In this volume, Snow and Fjeldstad have compiled some of the most thought-provoking, novel, and impactful contributions by the most outstanding scholars on the topic. I truly enjoyed reading this book, and I recommend it to anyone interested in understanding the leading-edge principles behind designing adaptive organizations.' Georg von Krogh, ETH Zurich