‘Innovation is driving economic and societal change, but it is still a myth or a black box. Professor Jay Mitra′s new book dissects the myth and sheds light into the black box. <em>The Business of Innovation </em>is a brilliant, comprehensive tool to understand the critical factor dominating the knowledge economy in the 21st century.’
- Sergio Arzeni,
<p>‘Edith Penrose memorably remarked that entrepreneurship was a slippery concept, in part because it reflected the diverse temperament and personal qualities of individuals. In <em>The Business of Innovation</em>, Jay Mitra successfully overcomes that slippery challenge by documenting how entrepreneurs bring about the conversion of innovative ideas into marketable products. His target audiences are high-end students and policy-makers. Both groups will appreciate this careful review of the evidence on how entrepreneurship "works".′</p>
- Professor David Storey, OBE,
<p>‘No doubt innovation is decisive to make our future world a worthwhile place to live in. <em>The Business of Innovation</em> is outstanding in focusing on the macro and micro aspects of innovation as well as on the not less crucial view on innovation as a process. It does not only deal with innovative organizations and environments, but also with innovative people - mostly neglected in compilations on innovation research. Particular attention deserves the emphasis on innovative women. Once again, Jay Mitra provides a deeply-delving study which presents an overall picture just as much as an in-depth analysis. Jay Mitra argues with acute perception – precise, prudent, critical and with foresight. This book is rounded off by vivid illustrations and cases from different areas in the world. It will be a must read at the library of our new MCI Innovation Lab and I recommend this book to every reader interested in innovation research and practice.’</p>
- Dr Silke Tegtmeier,
<p>‘In a world characterized by accelerated dynamism, innovation is a sine qua non for everyone irrespective of their life and work conditions. While this is the overall message conveyed by Jay Mitra’s new book, <em>The Business of Innovation</em>, he goes much beyond to provide a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon highlighting its macro, micro and processual level features, operations and impact. Though the book is positioned primarily for graduate and research students, it is indeed a must-read for all who struggle to manage their lives in a VUCA world.’</p>
- Professor Mathew J. Manimala,
<p>‘This book offers a fresh look on the different facets of innovation processes. Jay Mitra says what it takes to be innovative. In combining the key economic and social theories with the empirical evidence he provides animating advice for global innovation practice as well as important guidance for politicians! <em>The Business of Innovation</em> is an excellent guidebook for students, practitioners and all other who are interested in the issue.’</p>
- Professor Dr Michael Fritsch,