From the reviews:
“The book covers the latest research advances within the domain of speaker authentication. … Every chapter is standalone and therefore the reader can choose and fully examine only his/her theme of interest. All the theoretical findings are tested on real-world applications and results demonstrate the potential of the presented approaches; the book is thus useful both for teaching and research, as well as for industry.” (Catalin Stoean, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1233, 2012)
“This book is, among other things, proof that to be great, a technical reference does not necessarily need to be huge and ‘all inclusive.’ … techniques described, especially those for pattern recognition, are general enough to be used in almost any other area where there is a need for machine classification. … This is a superb technical book, which will also be useful outside of the speech processing area. I highly recommend it for graduate studies or as a specialized reference for those in industry.” (Vladimir Botchev, ACM Computing Reviews, June, 2012)