<p>The book is written by two journalists who have taken on the nursing profession more or less the way we take on patients with a life-threatening condition that is curable but requires both intensive and long-term care. The diagnosis, according to Buresh and Gordon, is silence. By being silent, we miss the opportunity to show ourselves as consequential in the delivery of healthcare. The remedy for silence, according to the authors, is voice—our voices raised in conversation first and foremost with our families, friends, and patients, and also with the general public.</p>
Nursing Spectrum
<p>This is an invaluable book for all nurses, especially those who are proud of being nurses and who have always wanted to make others understand our passion.</p>
Nursing Standard
Biographical note
Bernice Buresh writes and lectures on health care, nursing, and the media. She has been a reporter for the Milwaukee Sentinel, a correspondent and bureau chief for Newsweek, a professor of journalism at Boston University, and an adjunct professor of American Studies at Brandeis University. Suzanne Gordon is Visiting Professor at the University of Maryland School of Nursing and was program leader of the Robert Wood Johnson–funded Nurse Manager in Action Program. She is the author of Life Support and Nursing against the Odds, coauthor of Beyond the Checklist and Safety in Numbers, editor of When Chicken Soup Isn't Enough, and coeditor of First, Do Less Harm and The Complexities of Care, all from Cornell.