I once read how a nurse has “the opportunity to heal the mind, soul, heart, and body of our patients. They may forget your name but they will never forget how you made them feel." (Maya Angelou). Positive Psychology helps us be our best selves, and to be our best for others requires feeling our best selves too. What Jan has done by her research and throughout this book has helped find a way to keep our nurses and caregivers at their best so, in turn, they continue to be remembered for the best they make others feel.
- Dr Michelle Y Tytherleigh, C.Psychol., SFHEA, PGCE(LTHE), AFBPS.,
An indispensable resource for healthcare professionals. Informative, engaging, thoroughly researched and refreshingly practical. This book is an injection of hope that revitalises your sense of agency and leaves you feeling empowered.
- Sarah Gregg, Author of Find Your Flow & Choose Happy,
Ready for a tour of some of the best work in positive psychology? Read this book, and most important, use your zest and hope as you do the practical activities and curiously reflect on the questions. The more you personalize the material in each chapter, the more benefit you are likely to experience for your well-being and resilience!
- Ryan M. Niemiec, Psy.D., Bestselling author of The Power of Character Strengths, Character Strengths Interventions, and Mindfulness and Character Strengths; and Chief Science & Education Officer of the renown VIA Institute on Character,
Biographical note
Jan Macfarlane is Lecturer at the University of Bolton in the Health and Society Faculty. She has dual nursing qualifications in adult health and mental health. She specialises in the application of positive psychology in the health and social care field, promoting it through the higher education environment.
Jerome Carson is Professor of Psychology at the University of Bolton. Jerome is interested in the field of alcohol addiction and recovery from a lived experience perspective, with much of his research has been in the field of mental health recovery. Jerome also researches the area of positive psychology and autoethnography. Jerome is a qualified clinical psychologist and is Editor in Chief of the Emerald Journal Mental Health and Social Inclusion.