Biographical note
Patrick Omoregie Isibor, Ph.D., is a Lecturer and Researcher on Pollution Studies and Ecotoxicology in the Department of Biological Sciences at Covenant University. He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Pollution Studies and Ecotoxicology from the University of Benin and a B.Sc. in Zoology from Ambrose Alli University. Dr. Isibor's research interests include ecotoxicology, hydrobiology, bioaccumulation, biosequestration, biodiversity conservation, and aquatic ecology. He is a member of the Association for Environmental Impact Assessment of Nigeria (AEIAN), the International Association of Risk and Compliance Professionals (IARCP), and the African Society for Toxicological Sciences (ASTS). He is an Editor for the African Journal of Health, Safety, and Environment and a reviewer for several reputable international journals. He is the co-editor of the books Biotechnological Approaches to Sustainable Development Goals (Springer, 2023), Environmental Nanotoxicology: Combatting the Minute Contaminants (Springer, 2024), and Nanochitosan-Based Enhancement of Fisheries and Aquaculture: Aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 14 – Life Below Water (Springer, 2024), Arctic Marine Ecotoxicology: Climate Change, Pollutants, and Their Far-Reaching Effects (Springer, 2024), and Safeguarding the Arctic Marine Environment: Toxicology, Climate Change Impacts, and Restoration Strategies (Taylor & Francis, 2025)
Paul Akinniyi Akinduti, Ph.D., is a Lecturer and Researcher with the Department of Medical Laboratory Science at Babcock University, Illishan, Ogun State, Nigeria. He received his Ph.D. in Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology from Olabisi Onabanjo University. He is a Fellow of the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria and a recipient of the World Academy of Sciences and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Travel Awards. Dr. Akinduti’s areas of research interest include antimicrobial agents, antimicrobial resistance, molecular biology, bacterial pathogenesis, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, bacterial antibiotic resistance, bacteriology, antibacterial activity, bacterial drug resistance, diagnostic microbiology, molecular bacteriology, molecular microbiology, foodborne diseases, molecular typing, microbial genetics, bacterial toxins, bacterial conjugation, and pathogenesis.