Biographical note
Esther Ruiz Ben is a private lecturer at TU Berlin and a computer scientist. Her current research areas are digital identities, digitalization processes, usable privacy and security, e-government and participatory methods in IT design.
Margit Christa Scholl is Professor for Business Computing and Administrative Informatics and Head of the Laboratory for Administrative Informatics at TH Wildau since 2001. She is also the Founder (2010) and Director of the Wildau Institute for Innovative Teaching, Lifelong Learning, and Creative Evaluation (WILLE) in the Technology Transfer and Continuing Education Center (TWZ e.V.) there. Margit is Qualification Partner of the Federal Academy of Public Administration (BAköV) at TH Wildau for the advanced training courses with certification exam “IT Security Officer I” (since 2010) and “Data Protection Officer in Compliance with the EU GDPR” (since 2017).