Contributors; Preface; 1. The social mind: introduction and overview Joseph P. Forgas, Kipling D. Williams and Ladd Wheeler; Part I. The Social Mind: Basic Issues and Processes: 2. Dimensions of the social mind: size, asymmetries, congruence and sex differences in thought systems focused on self or other persons William J. McGuire and Claire V. Mcguire; 3. Affect and the 'social mind': affective influences on strategic interpersonal behaviours Joseph P. Forgas; 4. Motivating cognitive change: the self-standards model of dissonance Joel Cooper; 5. The motivational and cognitive dynamics of day-to-day social life John B. Nezlek; Part II. The Social Mind of Individuals: The Role of the Self and Individual Differences: 6. The social self: the quest for identity and the motivational primacy of the individual self Constantine Sedikides and Lowell Gaertner; 7. Cognitive and motivational processes in self-presentation Dianne M. Tice and Jon Faber; 8. Self-esteem and interpersonal strategies Astrid Schütz; 9. The social mind of the narcissist: cognitive and motivational aspects of interpersonal self-construction Frederick Rhodewalt; 10. Uncertainty orientation and the social mind: individual differences in the interpersonal context Richard M. Sorrentino, Gordon Hodson and Günter L. Huber; Part III. The Social Mind in Personal Relationships and Interpersonal Behaviours: 11. Perceiving, feeling and wanting: experiencing prior relationships in present-day interpersonal relations Susan M. Andersen and Kathy R. Berenson; 12. Ideal standards in close relationships Garth J. O. Fletcher and Jeffry A. Simpson; 13. Victims and perpetrators provide discrepant accounts: motivated cognitive distortions about interpersonal transgressions Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen Catanese; 14. Inside the social mind of the ostraciser Kipling D. Williams, Ladd Wheeler and Joel A. R. Harvey; Part IV. The Social Mind of Groups: Group Representations and Group Behaviour: 15. Self-categorisation and subjective uncertainty resolution: cognitive and motivational facets of social identity and group membership Michael A. Hogg; 16. Motivation gains in performance groups: aspects and prospects Norbert L. Kerr; 17. The social influence of automatic responding: controlling the uncontrollable Pascal Huguet, Marie P. Galvaing, Florence Dumas and Jean-M. Monteil; 18. Directed social influence William D. Crano; 19. Cognitive and social motivation in group decision making Martin F. Kaplan and Henk Wilke; Author index; Subject index.
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