Making Meaning: A Constructivist Approach to Counseling and Group Work in Education is a tour de force; it’s provocative, thoughtful, closely researched, well-written, and greatly applicable to all those involved in counseling and leadership work. Richard L. Hayes helps us understand in creative ways what needs to be done to improve the health and value of individuals, groups, and society. A wonderful book!
- Carl Glickman, University of Georgia; co-author of <i>The Essential Renewal of America's Schools: A Leadership Guide for Democratizing Schools from the Inside Out</i>,
Drawing from the riches of his own multifaceted inquiries, Hayes takes us on a thought-provoking journey into the pivotal significance of meaning-making in postmodern life. With clarity, wisdom, and deep concern for the emerging challenges in counseling and education, he illuminates the concrete implications for moving forward in a world of multiple realities.
- Kenneth J. Gergen, Swarthmore College; author of <i>Relational Being: Beyond Self and Community</i>,