[This book] is solid in its topic coverage and deliveryÖ Readers will glean a multitude of new ideas from the theories and approaches presented in this book, ranging from cultural aspects of teaching to Sternberg's WICS model."
This book serves as a comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art in educational psychology and applied cognitive science. The chapter authors, who are all leading researchers in this field, provide reviews of contemporary discoveries related to educational research that are both novel and forward-thinking. The book contains the cutting edge literature on genetics and neuroscience, cognitive science and its relation to critical thinking, reading-related phonological processes, cultural considerations in education, and much more.
The research methods and perspectives discussed range from education and psychology, to artificial intelligence and economics, thus offering a breadth of knowledge and insight on the field of educational research. The authors provide numerous tools and models for both routine and non-routine decision-making in educational settings. Both psychologists and researchers in the fields of cognitive, developmental, educational, and cultural psychology will want this book on their bookshelf.
Section I. Individual Differences in Human Development
1. Juxtaposing Psychological, Educational, and Genomic Sciences: An Emerging Platform for Interpreting Individual Differences in the Classroom
2. Dyslexia Deciphered
Section II. Mind Meets the Classroom
3. Insights from Everyday Knowledge for Mathematics Education
4. Students’ Goals Influence Their Learning
5. Working With and Cultivating the Development of Interest, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Regulation
Section III. Refining mind
6. Finding Young Paul Robesons: Exploring the Question of Creative Polymathy
7. How (Well Structured) Talk Builds the Mind
8. A Framework for Critical Thinking, Rational Thinking, and Intelligence
Section IV. Cultural Aspects of Teaching
9. A Theory of Teaching
10. Discovering Culture in Learning, Development, and Education
11. Technology-Supported Face-to-Face Small Group Collaborative Formative Assessment and its Integration in the Classroom
12. Folk Pedagogy and Cultural Markers in Teaching: Three Illustrations from Chile
Section V. Psychological perspectives on educational reform.
13. A New Role for Schools: Providing Child Care and Family Support Services
14. A thinking laboratory: Perspectives of prospective education
15. Academic Intelligence is not Enough! WICS: An Expanded Model for Effective Practice in School and in Later Life
16. The making of a discipline