"Cooper and Locke's <i>Industrial and Organizational Psychology: From Theory to Practice</i> is a valuable contribution to the discipline of industrial and organizational psychology. The volume includes chapters from leading international scholars in a wide range of industrial and organizational topics, from incentives to recruitment and leadership to stress. Organizational scholars, psychologists, and students of organizations can all find value in this selective, collected volume which is a substantive and solid contribution to our field." <i>James Campbell, University of Texas at Arlington.</i><br /> <p>"Applied sciences are ever put to prove that 'theoretical application' is not an oxymoron. Editors Cooper and Locke bring this issue to light in the field of I/O psychology. The editors focus the attention of an estimable group of organizational scientists and practitioners upon a broad array of important organizational problems. The result is an electric exchange that gives both theory and practice a run for the money. This volume should be a staple for the field for years to come." <i>Lance Sandelands, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan.</i><br /> </p> <p><i>"Industrial and Organizational Psychology</i>, broaches many of the issues discussed in the context of organisational crisis. In this case the overarching connection between the 13 articles is the application of organisational psychology to specific organisational problems. Motivations, stress, organisational justice, team effectiveness, leadership, job satisfaction, goal setting and performance are the main areas addressed, Although these are familiar themes, there is a concerted attempt by the authors to link theory with practice - something my MBA students implore me to do..... The articles are of a good standard and the book should make useful reading for anyone seeking to put some empirical and practical flesh on the theoretical bones of organizational psychology." <i>Times Higher Educational Supplement.</i></p>
Biographical note
Cary L. Cooper is Professor of Organizational Psychology and Pro-Vice Chancellor at the Manchester School of Management (UMIST). He written or edited over 80 books, and is co-editor of the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management. Prof. Cooper is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Royal Society of Arts, Royal Society of Medicine, Royal Society of Health and of both the American and British Academy of Management.Edwin A. Locke is Dean's Professor of Leadership and Motivation at the University of Maryland at College Park. He has published numerous books and articles and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, and the Academy of Management.