"Li (Brown Univ.) compares learning processes and goals of an East Asian learning model with a Western learning model.... provides an interesting comparative analysis of Socratic and Confucian tutors at home during the first years of life.... Recommended..."
--D.L. Stoloff, Eastern Connecticut State University, Choice
"...Li’s book is worth reading because it provides a perspective rarely found in tomes on East–West differences."
--Dr. Jean Lau Chin, Derner Institute for Advanced Psychological Studies at Adelphi University PsycCRITIQUES
"...Masterful.... Li's volume is an extraordinary accomplishment. It is an erudite, well documented, clearly argued and original articulation of Western and Eastern approaches to learning. Li treats her topic seriously, providing the depth of analysis necessary to dispel the simple stereotypes that have long plagued East-West cultural comparisons..."
--Michael F. Mascolo, Department of Psychology, Merrimack College, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology