<p><em>"More than 60 leading personality and social psychologists contributed chapters on the bridges they are building to related sub-disciplines and other fields. A dizzying array of bridges is connecting social-personality psychology to many areas of psychological science and other fields. The bridges go in all directions. They're connecting to cognitive science, biology, neuroscience, motivation, emotion, development, speech science, health and behavioral medicine, economics, political science, culture, and more."</em><br />—APS Observer</p><p><em>"...a wonderful collection of 65 chapters, most of them short and to the point, and a reflective epilogue....Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty and professionals."</em><br />—CHOICE</p><p><em>"This powerful volume is not about the Brooklyn Bridge, long a favorite of scammers and gagsters, but it is about bridges. Bridges are Van Lange's metaphor for the transdisciplinary modification of social psychology....a revolutionary social psychology volume....will have a huge impact on the readership."</em><br />—PsycCRITIQUES</p><p><em>"The bridging of social psychology...demonstrates the vitality of the field... The list of contributors is mind-bogglingly impressive… an unusual and innovative contribution."</em><br />—Laura King, Ph.D.<br /><em>University of Missouri/Columbia</em></p><p><em>"The list of scholars is very impressive, the tops in the field."</em><br /><br />—Eric Knowles, Ph.D.<br /><em>University of Arkansas</em></p>
<p><i>"More than 60 leading personality and social psychologists contributed chapters on the bridges they are building to related sub-disciplines and other fields. A dizzying array of bridges is connecting social-personality psychology to many areas of psychological science and other fields. The bridges go in all directions. They're connecting to cognitive science, biology, neuroscience, motivation, emotion, development, speech science, health and behavioral medicine, economics, political science, culture, and more."</i><br />—<b><i>APS Observer</i></b></p><p><i>"...a wonderful collection of 65 chapters, most of them short and to the point, and a reflective epilogue....Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty and professionals."</i><br />—<b><i>CHOICE</i></b></p><p><i>"This powerful volume is not about the Brooklyn Bridge, long a favorite of scammers and gagsters, but it is about bridges. Bridges are Van Lange's metaphor for the transdisciplinary modification of social psychology....a revolutionary social psychology volume....will have a huge impact on the readership."</i><br />—<b><i>PsycCRITIQUES</i></b></p><p><i>"The bridging of social psychology...demonstrates the vitality of the field... The list of contributors is mind-bogglingly impressive… an unusual and innovative contribution."</i><br />—<b>Laura King, Ph.D.</b><br /><i>University of Missouri/Columbia</i></p><p><i>"The list of scholars is very impressive, the tops in the field."</i><br />—<b>Eric Knowles, Ph.D.</b><br /><i>University of Arkansas</i></p>
Bridging Social Psychology illuminates the unique contribution the field of social psychology can bring to understanding major scientific and societal problems. The book focuses on illustrating the benefits and costs of bridging social psychology with other fields of psychology, including cognitive, developmental, and personality psychology, as well as other disciplines such as biology, neuroscience and economics. The editor’s hope is that the examination of these bridges will result in new theoretical, methodological, and societal benefits.
The 65 essays, written by eminent leaders in the field, demonstrate the relationship of social psychology with: (1) biology, neuroscience and cognitive science; (2) personality, emotion, and development; (3) relationship science, interaction, and health; and (4) organizational science, culture, and economics. The book also examines the key assumptions of social psychology, where the field is headed, and its unique contribution to basic theoretical and broad societal questions (e.g. promoting health in society). Section introductions tie the book together. The book concludes with an enlightening Epilogue by Walter Mischel.
This book will appeal to scholars, researchers, and advanced students in social psychology wishing to demonstrate the cross-disciplinary aspect of their research. It will also be of interest to those in neighboring fields of psychology, especially personality, organizational, health, cognitive, and developmental psychology, as well as those in neuroscience, biology, sociology, communication, economics, political science, and anthropology. The user-friendly tone makes the book accessible to those with only a basic knowledge of social psychology. The book also serves as a text for advanced courses in social psychology and/or applied psychology. A helpful table, found on the book’s Web site, indicates the cross-disciplinary applications addressed in each essay, to make it easier to assign the book in courses.
Bridging Social Psychology illuminates the unique contribution the field of social psychology can bring to understanding major scientific and societal problems. It focuses on illustrating the benefits and costs of bridging social psychology with o
Contents: Preface. Part I: Bridging Social Psychology.P.A.M. Van Lange, Bridging Social Psychology. A.W. Kruglanksi, Theories as Bridges. Part II: Social Psychology: General Views of Bridging.E. Berscheid, The Difficulty of Getting From Here to There and Back. J. Greenberg, Traffic Flow During the Last Twenty-Five Years of Social Psychology. S.T. Fiske, Building Bridges Inside and Outside Social Psychology: A Case for Lumping-Neatly. N.L. Kerr, Soft Versus Solid Foundations for Bridging Social Psychology. C.D. Batson, Folly Bridges. K. Fiedler, On Theories and Societal Practice: Getting Rid of a Myth. W. Stroebe, Interdisciplinary Research and Creativity. R.R. Vallacher, A. Nowak, Coherence in Human Experience and Psychological Science. A.P.Buunk, Social Psychology Deserves Better: Marketing the Pivotal Social Science. Part III: Bridges With Biology, Neuroscience, and Cognitive Science.J.T. Cacioppo, G.G. Berntson, A Bridge Linking Social Psychology and the Neurosciences. T. Singer, C.D. Frith, The Emergence of the "Social" in Cognitive Neuroscience: The Study of Interacting Brains. J. Decety, S.D. Hodges, The Social Neuroscience of Empathy. J. Blascovich, Bridging Social Psychology and Physiology. J.P. Forgas, Research on Affect and Social Behavior: Links to Cognitive, Learning, and Neuropsychology. S.D. Gosling, D.M. Mollaghan, Animal Research in Social Psychology: A Bridge to Functional Genomics and Other Unique Research Opportunities. J-M. Fern ndez-Dols, Basic Lessons From Observing Nature. J-P. Leyens, Getting Social Psychological Research Ideas From Other Human Sciences. J.C. Turner, Mind in the Organized Social Environment. E.R. Smith, G.R. Semin, Socially Situated Cognition as a Bridge. S. Lindenberg, How Social Psychology Can Build Bridges to the Social Sciences by Considering Motivation, Cognition, and Constraints Simultaneously. F. Strack, L. Werth, Bridging Social Psychology-Beyond Explicit Measures in Attitudinal Assessment. B. Hommel, Bridging Social and Cognitive Psychology? A. van Knippenberg, R. van Baaren, Baboons, Brains, Babies, and Bonding: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Mimicry. Part IV: Bridges With Personality, Emotion, and Development.C.S. Carver, Assumptions About Personality and Core Motivations as Hidden Partners in Social Psychology. M. Snyder, Building Bridges Between Personality and Social Psychology: Understanding the Ties That Bind Persons and Situations. P. Borkenau, N. Mauer, Accuracy of Judgments of Personality and Genetic Influences on Attitudes: Two Major Bridges Between Personality and Social Psychology. S.M. Andersen, S.A. Saribay, Thinking Integratively About Social Psychology: The Example of the Relational Self and the Social-Cognitive Process of Transference. R.C. Solomon, Philosophy as the Queen of the Sciences, Emotions Research as Her Bastard Child. A.S.R. Manstead, The Social Nature of Emotion and the Emotional Nature of the Social. R. Buck, Love, Hate, and Morality: Emotion and Communication as Bridging Concepts in Social Psychology. N. Eisenberg, A. Sadovsky, Bridging Developmental and Social Psychology. C. Sedikides, A.P. Gregg, The Self as a Point of Contact Between Social Psychology and Motivation. J.M. Harackiewicz, J.M. Tauer, From Bicycle Racing to School: Competition, Multiple Goals, and Multiple Indicators of Success in Education. D.B. Bugental, Bridging the Areas of Social Psychology and Social Developmental Psychology. Part V: Bridges With Relationship Science, Interaction, and Health.H.T. Reis, The Relationship Context of Social Psychology. A. Aron, Relationship Neuroscience: Advancing the Social Psychology of Close Relationships Using Functional Neuroimaging. J.G. Holmes, Identifying the Tasks of Social Life: Using Other Disciplines to Understand the Nature of Social Situations. R.M. Krauss, J.S. Pardo, Speaker Perception and Social Behavior: Bridging Social Psychology and Speech Science. M. Mikulincer, P.R. Shaver, The Behavioral System Construct: A Useful Tool for Building an Integrative Model of the Social Mind. D.T. Kenrick, J.M. Sundie, Dynamical Evolutionary Psychology: How Social Norms Emerge From Evolved Decision Rules. A.P. Fiske, Social Relations: Culture, Development, Natural Selection, Cognition, the Brain, and Pathology. G. Mikula, Social Psychology of Justice, Just Division of Household Labor, and the Reconciliation of Family and Work Demands. M.R. Leary, The Bridge Between Social and Clinical Psychology: Wide But Sparsely Traveled. S.E. Taylor, Bridges From Social Psychology to Health. E. Diener, M. Tamir, C.N. Scollon, Happiness, Life Satisfaction, and Fulfillment: The Social Psychology of Subjective Well-Being. G. Kok, N.K. de Vries, Social Psychology and Health Promotion. G.T. Fong, D. Hammond, M.P. Zanna, Bridging to Evidence-Based Public Health Policy. Part VI: Bridges With Organizational Science, Culture, and Economics.D. Bar-Tal, Bridging Between Micro and Macro Perspectives in Social Psychology. C.K.W. De Dreu, J.M. Levine, Bridging Social Psychology and the Organizational Sciences. M.A. West, Dissent in Teams and Organizations: Lessons for Team Innovation and Empowerment. J.M. Weber, D.M. Messick, Improving Managerial Decision Making: Lessons From Experimental Social Dilemma Research. B. Paciotti, P.J. Richerson, R. Boyd, Cultural Evolutionary Theory: A Synthetic Theory for Fragmented Disciplines. A.H. Fischer, Social Context Inside and Outside the Social Psychology Lab. T. Wildschut, C.A. Insko, A Paradox of Individual and Group Morality: Social Psychology as Empirical Philosophy. J.F. Dovidio, S.L. Gaertner, A Multilevel Perspective on Prejudice: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries. V.Y. Yzerbyt, From Subtle Cues to Profound Influences: The Impact of Changing Identities on Emotions and Behaviors. D.O. Sears, Political Psychology. V.M. Esses, A.H. Semenya, M. Stelzl, J.F. Dovidio, G. Hodson, Maximizing Social Psychological Contributions to Addressing Social Issues: The Benefits of an Interdisciplinary Perspective.E. van Dijk, From Social Psychology to Economics and Back Again: The Benefits of a Two-Way Street. F. van Winden, Social Science in the Making: An Economist's View. B.S. Frey, Motivation and Happiness Bridge Social Psychology and Economics. T.R. Tyler, D. De Cremer, How Do We Promote Cooperation in Groups, Organizations, and Societies? Part VII: Epilogue. W. Mischel, Bridges Toward a Cumulative Psychological Science.