Biographical note
Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD, is a professor in the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC. She received her baccalaureate degree in Physical Therapy and her master’s degree in Physical Therapy with a specialization in developmental disabilities from New York University, NY. Once joining the academic community, she went on to obtain her EdD in adult education from the Department of Organization and Leadership at Teachers College, Columbia University, NY, and followed with her post- professional DPT degree from Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL. With Dr. Driscoll, she coauthored and taught a course titled “Teaching in Physical Therapy Practice” in several entry- level and post- professional DPT programs. Currently, Dr. Plack presents annually at a faculty development workshop for new faculty with Dr. Driscoll. She has been involved in ongoing research related to adult learning principles, educational outcomes, and reflective practice. Dr. Plack has more than 40 publications on teaching and learning and has provided more than 135 educational presentations and workshops in physical therapy education, medical education, and higher education venues both nationally and internationally on topics to be discussed in this text. She has received a number of awards for her research related to the scholarship of teaching, including the Stanford Award from the Journal of PhysicalTherapy Education (2005 and 2007), the Emerald Literati Network from the Journal of Workplace Learning (2010), and the J. Warren Perry Distinguished Author Award from the Journal of Allied Health (2013) She also received the Award for Leadership in Education from the Education Section of the American Physical Therapy Association in 2011.
Maryanne Driscoll, PhD, is an educational psychologist and associate professor in the DPT program at Touro College, New York, NY. Dr. Driscoll received her PhD in educational psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University, NY. She consults with schools and hospitals throughout the metropolitan New York region on effective instruction. With Dr. Plack, she coauthored and taught a course titled “Teaching in Physical Therapy Practice” for 2 post-professional DPT programs, and also teaches similar content in 2 professional DPT programs. Dr. Driscoll has implemented the strategies to be used in this text in a number of teaching and learning venues, including the American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meetings and Annual Conferences and various other conferences on medical education. She has been involved in ongoing research related to adult learning principles and educational outcomes and has published several manuscripts on topics related to this text.