1. INTRODUCTION: SIGN POSTSLenore Manderson, Elizabeth Cartwright and Anita Hardon2. CHANGING CHILDHOODSLenore Manderson, Elizabeth Cartwright and Anita Hardon 2.1 Children with diabetes (Christine Dedding) 2.2 Rare diseases in children in Italy (Alice Larotonda) 2.3 Autism spectrum disorder in Vietnam (Vu Song Ha) 2.4 Children’s idioms of distress (Ria Reis) 3. SEXUALITY AND TECHNOLOGYAnita Hardon, Lenore Manderson and Elizabeth Cartwright3.1 Feminizing the body (Panoopat Poompruek, Pimpawun Boonmongkon and Thomas E. Guadamuz) 3.2 Body, sex, and diet in Mozambique (Arianna Huhn) 3.3 Empowerment and the use of vaginal microbicides (Robert Pool) 3.4 Donating semen in Denmark (Sebastian Mohr) 4. THE SOCIALITIES OF HIV Anita Hardon, Lenore Manderson and Elizabeth Cartwright4.1 Freedom Corner (Emmy Kageha Igonya and Eileen Moyer) 4.2 Chronicle of a Mosotho boy (Ellen Block) 4.3 Coming of age on the streets (Thomas Stodulka) 5. STRESSES IN EVERYDAY LIFEAnita Hardon, Elizabeth Cartwright and Lenore Manderson 5.1 A cold of the soul (Junko Kitanaka) 5.2 Psychoanalysis in Buenos Aires (P. Sean Brotherton) 5.3 Promoting smoking in Indonesia (Mark Nichter and Mimi Nichter) 6. BODILY RESISTANCESElizabeth Cartwright, Anita Hardon, and Lenore Manderson6.1 Rebellion and co-morbidity (Megan Wainwright)6.2 Relatedness in anorexia (Megan Warin) 6.3 Governing by complaint (Jessica Mulligan)7. THE CHRONICITY OF ILLNESS AND DISEASELenore Manderson, Elizabeth Cartwright and Anita Hardon7.1 Mass drug administration for neglected tropical diseases (Tim Allen and Melissa Parker) 7.2 Diagnosis and the punctuated life-course (Carolyn Smith-Morris) 7.3 Amputated identity (Narelle Warren) 7.4 Facing up to breathlessness (Marjolein Gysels and Irene J. Higginson) 8. WAYS OF CARINGElizabeth Cartwright, Anita Hardon and Lenore Manderson8.1 Care, self-management and the webcam (Hilde Thygesen and Jeanette Pols) 8.2 E-care in Kerala (Tanja Ahlin) 8.3 Illnesses without a cause (Gesine Kuspert Hearn) 9. ENDINGSLenore Manderson, Elizabeth Cartwright and Anita Hardon 9.1 Becoming old and frail in coastal Tanzania (Piet van Eeuwijk and Brigit Obrist) 9.2 Alzheimer’s disease in urban Brazil (Annette Leibing) 9.3 Caring for corpses in Singapore (Ruth E. Toulson)10. MARKETING MEDICINEAnita Hardon, Lenore Manderson and Elizabeth Cartwright10.1 The compounding pharmacy in Brazil (Emilia Sanabria) 10.2 Policing ‘counterfeit medication’ (Julia Hornberger) 10.3 How a lifestyle product became a pharmaceutical specialty (Laurent Pordié)10.4 Cosmopolitan phytoremedies in Senegal (Alice Desclaux)11. THE ANTHROPOCENEElizabeth Cartwright, Lenore Manderson and Anita Hardon11.1 Inuit health in a changing Arctic (Noor Johnson) 11.2 Environmental pollution and allergies (Roberta Raffaetá) 11.3 Reading the environment (Ben McMahan)11.4 Disastrous recovery (Vincanne Adams)12. GLOBAL VULNERABILITIESElizabeth Cartwright, Lenore Manderson and Anita Hardon12.1 Medical travel (Andrea Whittaker and Chee Heng Leng)12.2 Health care along the US/Mexico border (Heide Castañeda) 12.3 “I haven’t paid this karma yet” (Susann Huschke) 13. WAR, VIOLENCE AND SOCIAL RESPONSELenore Manderson, Elizabeth Cartwright and Anita Hardon 13.1 Honduras: Practicing wartime healing (Adrienne Pine) 13.2 Does Sgt Pearson have PTSD? (Alexander Edmonds) 13.3 Life in a state of fear (Meagan Wilson) 13.4 Exhuming the disappeared (Rachel Carmen Ceasar) 14. GENES, KINSHIP AND RISKAnita Hardon, Lenore Manderson and Elizabeth Cartwright 14.1 Direct-to-consumer genetic testing in China (Suli Sui and Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner) 14.2 Harvesting umbilical cord blood (Simonetta Cengarle) 14.3 Genetics, childhood development and kinship (Janice McLaughlin) 14.4 Suicide and the epigenetic turn (Stephanie Lloyd) 14.5 Techno-benefits and social risks (Barbara Herr Harthorn) 15. HOW THE LOGICS OF BIOMEDICAL PRACTICE TRAVEL Elizabeth Cartwright, Anita Hardon and Lenore Manderson15.1 Humanistic obstetrics in Brazil (Eugenia Georges and Robbie Davis-Floyd) 15.2 Entrepreneuring barren grounds (Trudie Gerrits and Viola Hörbst) 15.3 Surgery and the cultural politics of global health (Adia Benton)15.4 ‘Safe burials’ and the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone (Raphael Frankfurter)15.5 Doctors Without Borders and the global emergency (Peter Redfield) VITAL SIGNS: MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY IN THE 21ST CENTURYLenore Manderson, Anita Hardon and Elizabeth Cartwright
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