′The books gives a detailed treatment of a range of important methods. It will strike a chord with applied psychologists in particular - but will also be of interest to healthcare professionals generally
<p>If you are teaching postgraduate research methods courses, including those aimed at a mixture of psychologists and other health professionals, this book is worth considering as a core text′</p>
<p><b>- John Hegarty, THES</b></p>
<p><b>′Most texts on research methods focus either on qualitative approaches or on quantitative approaches. A unique feature of this book is that the editors and authors are experts on both qualitative and quantitative methods, and that these two approaches to research in clinical and health psychology are given equal weight. The philosophy that guides this book is that different methods have different advantages and are used for different purposes, but that the understanding of substantive research issues such as medication adherence can benefit from the use of multiple methods. The methods are described in sufficient detail that readers can learn how to apply them without needing to consult other sources′</b></p>
<p><b><b>-Stephen Sutton, University of Cambridge</b></b></p>