<p>Professor John Moxham, Department of Respiratory Medicine, King’s College, London</p><p>Perhaps the first comment to make is that Sujal Desai is a fantastic radiologist who does a wonderful job, on a regular basis, of explaining the intricacies of CT to us non-experts. I think that the most important point is the one that you make in paragraph 3 of your e-mail. You make the comment "The key point of the book is that this will be the first to provide authoritative and practical guidance to the non-radiologist in the use of this technique in diagnosing and assessing disease". I would have underlined the phrase non-radiologist. CT scanning has increased year on year. It is now commonplace for non-radiologists to review scans on the wards and in the outpatient department. Many of us still feel somewhat nervous about this and dutifully review our films at x-ray meetings. It is time that we emerged from this early stage in our development and only asked for expert advice for the more difficult scans. Indeed, it is probably a reasonable goal to aim for that chest physicians should become as good at chest CT as they currently are with the plain chest x-ray.</p><p>I have no problem with the scope of your book. I greatly welcome the project and would certainly buy a copy of the finished article if it delivers on its promise. I think the major challenge that you have is to persuade your contributors to actually do what you say you want to do. It is quiet a severe challenge for any expert in the field to write a chapter that concentrates, in a sustained way, on pointing out CT findings in a way that is readily accessible to non-radiologists. If you can meet this challenge the book will be, I would predict, a huge success.</p><p>James Jett, Consultant in Pulmonary Medicine and Medical Oncology, Mayo Clinic</p><p>I have reviewed the proposal. I think a book on CT benefits and utility, as compared to other imaging methods, will be well received by pulmonary physicians in training or in practice. The idea of having each chapter co-authored by a pulmonary physician plus a radiologist is especially appealing and adds credibility for the targeted audience. Good Luck with this project.</p>