’A timely and much needed analysis of a continent undergoing rapid transition resulting in complex health consequences. Africa's experiences of globalization are poorly understood so far, yet need to be urgently grappled with for effective governance to be built locally and regionally. This book takes us neatly forward in this task.’ Kelley Lee, Simon Fraser University, Canada and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK ’The governance of global health now requires a profound transformation, to accommodate the accelerating health challenges from a world defined by intense globalization, the growing recognition of the close connections between health and climate change, and the tightening links between global and regional governance. Nowhere are these dynamics more acute than in Africa, which still struggles with the burden of HIV/AIDS, neglected tropical diseases and maternal health. This book insightfully charts these new dynamics and identifies possible governance solutions, many of them beyond the health sector. It is a most timely contribution, as the world moves to meet the Millennium Development Goals in 2015 and to shape improved sustainable development goals for the years beyond.’ Ilona Kickbusch, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland This book is a very interesting and important analysis of the evolving health challenges of Africa, how these are being addressed and the problems of evolving a new and integrative system of aid and healthcare reform within the constraints of the established regimes in the different countries, and the continuing constraints of ’third world’ economies. Medicine, conflict and Survival