Biographical note
Paul describes himself as a proud Yorkshireman, knowing that the word ‘proud’ here is a tautology. He qualified from St George’s Hospital Medical School, trained in radiology in Sheffield then Bristol and has been a Consultant Radiologist at Southmead Hospital since 2004. He is an unrepentant Medical Educator (MEd Uni of Sheffield 2004), was an Anatomy Examiner (2008-2011) then Lead Anatomy Examiner for the Royal College of Radiologists (2011-15), RCR Human Factors Advisor (2016-18), Head of the Severn School of Radiology (2016-20) and is currently External Examiner for the Faculty of Radiology, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (2020-). His professional interests are largely summarised as being a ‘giblet radiologist’ and his hobbies include advanced procrastination and pretending to be an adult.