“This book is a quick and easy read packed with invaluable information, tips, images, tables and algorithms, which can be easily referenced when contemplating the approach to metastatic lesions in FNA cytology specimen. Whether you are a practicing pathologist or a pathologist in training, this book would make for a great addition to your reference library.” (C. Eric Freitag and Ming Jin, The ASC Bulletin, Vol. 54 (4), July, 2017)
“This is a ‘how to do’ manual of cytopathology dealing with metastatic tumors. It is concisely written and illustrated with first-class color photographs, supplemented with useful algorithms and current references. … The intended audience is pathologists who do not practice cytopathology full time, but I am sure that it will be read by board-certified cytopathologists. Pathology residents and cytopathology fellows will most likely be the primary readers. Cytopathology technicians could profit a lot from this small booklet.” (Ivan Damjanov, Doody’s Book Reviews, April, 2016)