<p>“Clinicians and students can easily use this book to enhance their understanding of trigger point therapy theory and technique. I highly recommend this book.”<br /><br /><em> —</em> Mary Delaney, PT, <i>Journal of the Section on Women’s Health</i></p><p>“The manual would be useful for any practicing physical therapy clinician or student who has an interest in evaluating and treating myofascial trigger points.”</p>
Biographical note
Dimitrios Kostopoulos, PT, PhD is the cofounder of Hands-On Physical Therapy. He earned his doc-torate and master's degrees at New York University and is actively pursuing his second doctorate of sci-ence degree in clinical electrophysiology at Rocky Mountain University, Provo, Utah. Dr. Kostopouloshas extensive training and teaching experience in different areas of manual therapy with emphasis intrigger point, myofascial, and neurofascial therapy, as well as manipulation. He is a past faculty mem-ber at Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY, a diplomate of the American Academy of Pain Management, and an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
Konstantine Rizopoulos, PT, FABS is the cofounder of Hands-On Physical Therapy. He earned hisundergraduate degree from the University of Athens, Greece and has completed extensive postgraduate studies in manual therapy. Mr. Rizopoulos has extensive experience in the area of manual therapy, particularly in myofascial and trigger point therapies and their application to neurologic and pediatricpopulations. He is an active member of the APTA, a fellow member of the American Back Society, and a member of the Hellenic Medical Society.
Dimitrios Kostopoulos and Konstantine Rizopoulos are the developers of a comprehensive therapeutic approach thatintegrates trigger point, myofascial, neurofascial, and proprioceptive therapy techniques, and they teach continuingeducation courses in the United States and Europe. For more information on the authors’ continuing education.