Biographical note
Ajay Kalamdhad, Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, has been conducting research in several projects funded by various agencies along with his team in the specialized areas of solid waste management by microbial and vermicomposting; Aerobic and anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste and industrial sludge for biogas production. He is also supervising 18 PhD scholars and over 10 PhD dissertations have been completed under his supervision.
Professor Kalamdhad also serves as an editorial board member/reviewer for several national/international journals of repute and has contributed over 150 papers in many of these highly respected journals. He has published six book chapters and five international books and is a member of several National and International Waste Management Associations including International Solid Waste Association, National Solid Waste Association of India, Indian Water Works Association, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society and Asia-Pacific Chemical.