“This book is well presented, with clear, well delivered passages that are easy to digest. The text is interspersed with good quality, coloured clinical photographs that clearly illustrate the points being made. I personally felt there was a lot I could take away from this book and apply to my own work, and would recommend it to those fostering an interest in rhinoplasty surgery or who are indeed established themselves.” (R Gohil, The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, July 19, 2023)
Biographical note
Mostaz Shafy, MBBCh, FRCS RCPSG ( Glasgow),FRCS ( Edinburgh ), Consultant ENT Surgeon at Shafy Center , Cairo , Egypt , Shafy Clinics Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Throughout his career he has undertaken training and held consultancy posts in the United Kingdom , the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt .
Dr Shafy previous roles include House Surgeon and Physician, Cairo University Hospitals, Senior House Officer of ENT surgery, Stobhill General Hospital, Glasgow University , Registrar , Senior Registrar , The Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital , London and Consultant ENT Surgeon positions at the Chase Farm Hospital, London and the King Abdul Aziz University Hospital, Daghastani Hospital.
Dr Shafy’s main areas of clinical interest are the preservation of Aesthetic Rhinopasty and examining the clinical effectiveness of closed versus open technique in Rhinopasty .