Biographical note
Prof. Dr. Ziv J Haskal is a tenured professor at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. After training in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the University of California, San Francisco, he joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania in 1992, and moved to build interventional services at both the New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University, and the University of Maryland, as professor and chief, then to the University of Virginia.
Prof. Haskalâs collective publications have been cited nearly 18,000 times. One paper alone, co-published across multiple journals, has been cited over 5100 times. His work has appeared in many journals, such as Circulation, Hepatology, CVIR, JVIR, Radiology and NEJM. He has led or participated in over 40 research trials, including TIPS stent graft , dialysis stent grafts, in-human interventional trans-arterial gene vector delivery; first demonstration of IR occupational radiation eye injury; accelerated pharmacomechanical deep vein interventions; randomized trials of dialysis stent grafts; liver transplant interventions; all aspects of embolization and interventional oncology, etc. His h-index is over 60.His career has been marked by innovations in education and teaching at all levelsâ from student-mentored papers, to the first online SIR case discussion board, the SIR Case Club; creating the demonstrative MasterClass form he led at many conferences; to the multi- and social media and virtual reality portfolio he pioneered within the JVIR. He is a world renowned and popular educator and lecturer, having given more than 700 invited lectures. He has served on or led numerous SIR, AHA, AASLD, ACR, SGI, ACC, and other Societal committees, and has been one of the longest serving members of the SIR Executive Committee and Foundation Board. He has been the President of two international societies.
In the last 15 years, Dr Haskal pivoted into leading editorial roles, from 5 years as deputy editor in chief at the CVIR, (doubling its impact factor), to serving an unprecedented two terms as the Editor in Chief of the JVIRâfor 10 years. He reinvented the JVIR into its current form, creating its multimedia, expanded content, its writing seminars reaching >1000 learners worldwide; line-edited over 14,000 scientific manuscripts; nearly tripled its submissions and raised its impact factor to new heights.