Biographical note
Dr. Ning Chen is a distinguished professor at College of Health Science in Wuhan Sports University in China. As the director of Tianjiu Research and Development Centre for Exercise Nutrition and Foods, and the director of Hubei Key Laboratory of Exercise Training and Monitoring, his current research focuses are: 1) exercise or nutrition intervention for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of chronic diseases including diabetes, sarcopenia and brain aging, cardiovascular diseases, and sports injuries, as well as underlying mechanisms; 2) dietary supplements, functional foods, or exercise mimetic pills for the improvement of exercise performance, health promotion or chronic diseases, and underlying mechanisms; 3) high-altitude training or hypoxic training for the exercise adaptation or improvement of exercise performance and underlying mechanisms, as well as the development of biomarkers for exercise monitoring or gene-based athletic talent screening. His ultimate aim is to explore novel and effective targets and strategies for health promotion. He has received his Bachelor degree of Medicine majored in Pharmaceutical Science at Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Master degree of Medicine majored in Sports Medicine at Wuhan Sports University, Master and PhD majored in Biochemistry at Georgia State University in USA. He has published a series of peer-reviewed articles in Ageing Research Reviews, Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Autophagy, Oncogene, Nutrients, and Journal of Functional Foodswith high citation. Meanwhile, his research achievements have been successfully granted a series of international and Chinese patents. In addition, he has completed or is being in charge of more than 10 foundation projects as a PI from National Natural Science Foundation of China and State Sports General Administration as well as Department of Education of Hubei Province. Currently, he is also the editorial board member of MDPI-Sports, the associate editor-in-chief of Food Science and Human Wellness, and the associate editor-in-chief of Journal of Future Foods.