"...a valuable new endocrinology text...creates a new niche between basic endocrinology monographs and encyclopedic clinical endocrinology and metabolism texts...highly recommend[ed]...Conn & Melmed have successfully created a new genre of endocrinology text." -Endocrine News <br /> <br /> From Reviews of the First Edition...<br /> <br /> "....plenty of the kind of...science that keeps medical students on the edge of their seats during lectures." -Lancet <br /> <br /> "...recommend[ed]...to clinicians who wish to understand progress in endocrine science and to students approaching endocrinology as a scientific discipline."<br /> -Molecular Medicine<br /> <br /> "...an...excellent base for a clinician interested in endocrinology." <br /> -New England Journal of Medicine <br /> <br /> "...a superb book for graduate students in physiology or molecular biology who are taking a course or are pursuing research in endocrinology and wish to broaden their knowledge of this field...highly recommend[ed]...as a current general reference in endocrinology..." -Quarterly Review of Biology <br /> <br /> "...succeeds best in its stated aim of integrating scientific and clinical principles...The reader is comfortably led from the bench to, but not beyond, the bedside of clinical practice...recommend[ed]...to clinicians..."<br /> -Trends in Molecular Medicine<br /> <br /> "...provides recent information on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of hormone action that explains endocrine disease. For the beginning endocrine student or physician/scientist wanting to gain a quick insight into...specific aspects of endocrine function, this is an ideal text." -Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism