Biographical note
Chao Chen is an Associate Professor in School of Environment, Tsinghua University, China. His research is mainly focused on the following fields of drinking water treatment: (1) Disinfection process and disinfection by-products; (2) Emergency response for water industry to fight against accidents; (3) Water stability in distribution system. He has been acting as the secretary of disinfection specialist group of International Water Association (IWA) from 2015 to 2019 and its chairman since 2019.
Susan Andrews is a Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada. With a background in chemistry, she has helped establish methodologies for measuring disinfection by-products and their precursors, as well as performed leading-edge research on disinfection chemistry during water treatment. She also contributes to professional and government organizations on water issues (e.g., Past Chair of Ontario Water Works Association; Director, Walkerton Clean Water Centre; Program Leader, Canadian Water Network; Member, Ontario Drinking Water Advisory Council).
Yuefeng Xie is an Emeritus Professor of Environmental Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University, USA. He is also a Distinguished Visiting Professor in the School of Environment at Tsinghua University, China. With a teaching and research focus on drinking water quality and water treatment, he has published one book and co-edited two books on disinfection byproducts. An IWA Fellow and a Fulbright Scholar, he also served as the Chair of American Water Works Association Organic Contaminant Control Committee and a member of US EPA Science Advisory Board’s Drinking Water Committee across three administrations.