Biographical note
Dr. Mukunda Mishra is the vice principal of Dr. Meghnad Saha College in West Bengal, India. The college is affiliated with the University of Gour Banga. Dr. Mishra completed his postgraduate studies in geography and environmental management at the Vidyasagar University, and holds a Ph.D. in geography from the same university. He was selected for the National Merit Scholarship by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. His research chiefly focuses on analyzing unequal human development and creating multi-criteria predictive models. He has more than ten years of hands-on experience in dealing with development issues at the ground level in various districts of eastern India.Dr. R.B. Singh is a former professor of geography at the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi; the secretary general and treasurer of the International Geographical Union (IGU); the chair of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)–Central Food Technological Research Institute of the Government of India; and is a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the scientific committee for Urban Health and Well-Being. He was awarded the Japan Society for the Promotion of Scientific Research Fellowship and has presented papers and chaired sessions in more than 40 countries. He has published 14 books, 35 edited research volumes, and more than 215 research papers. He has supervised 34 Ph.D. and 79 M.Phil. students. In 1988 the UNESCO/International Social Science Council awarded him research and study grants in social and human sciences.