<em>“The volume is coherent, and by focusing on the ground-level interactions and their moral dimensions, [it] contributes to the field of migrant health and promotes discussions around the need for inclusive and equitable healthcare systems.”</em> <strong>• Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</strong></p>
<em>“The notion that ‘even health systems that are considered “universal” restrict the access’ of migrants is the main takeaway from Borders across Healthcare, an important, well thought-out collection of nine essays. Published in 2020, the collection was written and compiled before the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet, far from diminishing its relevance, the timing makes the book prescient and even more insightful. ... The hope is that this volume will be read widely, and these questions will be taken up by practitioners and researchers across Europe.”</em> <strong>• Nordic Journal of Migration Research</strong></p>
Biographical note
Nina Sahraoui is Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Paris Centre for Sociological and Political Research (CRESPPA, CNRS). Her publications include the monograph Racialised Workers and European Older-Age Care: From Care Labour to Care Ethics (Palgrave Macmillan, 20 19) and the coedited volumes Gender-based Violence in Migration (Palgrave, 2022) and Postcoloniality and Forced Migration (Bristol University Press, 2022).