This book is a must-have for everyone who has an interest in autism. The ways in which autism and ethnicity intersect has for far too long been overlooked and this book is hugely important in finally addressing its significance. Prithvi articulates clearly and thoughtfully why practitioners, researchers and parents need to give it more consideration, and how they should do so. It is an academic textbook grounded in evidence, with an accessible writing style which encourages the reader to reflect on what they are reading.
- Dr Andrea MacLeod, Lecturer in Autism Studies, ACER (Autism Centre for Education and Research), University of Birmingham.,
The impact of autism is global, very likely affecting all societies and ethnic groups. Yet until recently, most advances in theory, in diagnostic principles and in the development of interventions and support have occurred in Western countries. The consequence is a lack of emphasis on how cross-cultural differences may shape conceptions of autism and how best to meet the needs of autistic individuals within different ethnic groups. Prithvi Perepa's book offers a timely and valuable corrective to this Western-centric viewpoint. His text skilfully juxtaposes analysis of empirical research with a critique of the philosophical assumptions that impede a culturally nuanced account, complementing this with reflective exercises and practical guidance for those working with autistic people of all ethnicities. A much needed contribution to the field.
- Dr Ilona Roth, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, The Open University,
This is an important book for professionals, families and autistic people in highlighting significant issues linking autism, ethnicity and culture. Many questions are raised with regards to behaviour and communication patterns associated with autism and whether or not they are culture specific. The author's professional and personal experiences means that he is able to provide valuable insights into this complex and neglected area. Readers are encouraged to develop a reflective style and recognise their own potential bias.
- Dr Laura Cockburn, Specialist Educational Psychologist and Manager of The Lorna Wing Centre for Autism,