’An in-depth analysis of the challenges that the globalisation of health - the moving world of pathogens, people, patients and health care providers - presents for Africa and how countries in Africa are meeting these new and emerging health challenges through smart sovereignty by adopting innovations in national, regional and global policy instruments, rules and institutions. An essential read for policymakers, practitioners, students and all those working towards better health in Africa.’ Nick Drager, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK ’This is an excellent contribution to our understanding of the extraordinarily complex relationship between globalization, inequalities and the health opportunities of the poor. Predicated on Africa, Cooper et al. make an insightful and informative contribution to the intensifying debate over the implications of global inequalities and the health of the marginalized.’ Nana K. Poku, University of California, Berkeley, USA ’An authoritative review of Africa’s health challenges cast in a global context with keen understanding of local issues. This book underscores the potential contribution of health to development beyond the social dimension, to highlight the gains in human capital and governance that proper policies can yield. It is a must-read for development specialists.’ Diery Seck, CREPOL, Senegal