Biographical note
Hans A. Baer is Senior Lecturer in the School of Philosophy, Anthropology, and Social Inquiry and the Centre for Health and Society at the University of Melbourne. He has published 16 books, co-edited several special journal issues, and published some 150 book chapters and journal articles. Some of his books include Recreating Utopia in the Desert; African American Religion; Encounters with Biomedicine: Case Studies in Medical Anthropology; Critical Medical (with Merrill Singer); Medical Anthropology and the World System: A Critical Perspective (with Merrill Singer and Ida Susser); Biomedicine and Alternative Healing Systems in America: Issues of Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Gender; Toward an Integrative Medicine; Introducing Medical Anthropology (with Merrill Singer); Global Warming and the Political Ecology of Health: Emerging Crises and Systemic Solutions (with Merrill Singer). In early 2008, Baer began to investigate climate politics and the climate movement in Australia, an on-going project. Hans considers himself a scholar-activist and has been involved in various movements over the years, including peace, social justice, anti-apartheid, labor, environmental, and climate justice movements.