“It does give all of the background information developed by the author who is seeking an understanding at the molecular level of what happens at the protein-water interface. This in itself is a good reason to own the book. It is well written and the diagrams and explanations are clear for both the initiated and newcomer to the field.” (Peter J. Dobson, Contemporary Physics, Vol. 58 (4), September, 2017)
Biographical note
Ariel Fernández (born Ariel Fernández Stigliano) is an Argentine-American physical chemist and mathematician. He obtained his Ph. D. degree in Chemical Physics from Yale University in record time. He held the Karl F. Hasselmann Endowed Chair Professorship in Engineering at Rice University and was a Professor of Bioengineering until his retirement in 2012. To date, he has published over 350 scientific papers in professional journals including Physical Review Letters, PNAS, Nature, Genome Research and Genome Biology. Ariel Fernandez has also published two books: “Transformative Concepts for Drug Design” (2010) and “Biomolecular Interfaces” (2015), both with Springer, and holds two patents (US. 8,466,154 and 9,051,387) on biotechnological innovations. He is currently involved in research and entrepreneurial activities at various consultancy firms.