<strong>`</strong>It seems to me that Brown is involved in an extremely important project in trying to develop such a theoretical frame. This is crucial for the further development of critical mathematics education... I find <em>Mathematics Education and Language</em> interesting and important...<strong>'</strong> <br /> <strong>Professor O. Skovmose, Royal Danish School of Educational Studies,</strong> <strong>Copenhagen</strong> <br /> <strong>`</strong>It is a remarkable enrichment of our professional literature in terms of theoretical reflection and foundation, as well as through the convincing examples from teaching practice and the style in which it is written. Striking new perspectives are opened for teachers as well as for researchers. It was demanding and strenuous to work with, but personally rewarding and a pleasure.<strong>'</strong> <br /> <strong>Emeritus Professor H. Bauersfeld, Bieleveld University</strong> <br /> <strong>`</strong>...The book is an excellent starting place for anyone seeking a broader introduction to contempory theory and philosophy than is generally available with the comparatively insular world of mathematics education literature... Brown's presentation of the methodological rigour of hermeneutics clearly demonstrates both the timelessness and scholarly potential of this orientation to enquiry.<strong>'</strong> <br /> <strong>B. Davis, York University, Toronto, Canada</strong> <br />