We thank Michael and his associates for treating the members and staff with respect and dignity. We hope in explicating here the underpinnings of our unique form of social practice, the publication of this book will encourage interest and discussion in the greater application of the working community in achieving our common vision that people with serious mental illness can live and thrive in our communities.
- Kenneth Dudek, President, Fountain House Inc.,
“It is moving to read a work emphasizing the emotional contact of work with psychosis. Whatever the importance of medical intervention, human need for feeling links cannot be underestimated. Lives Interrupted provides a warm heart, caring mind, and imaginative reflection touching pain and wounds filled with longing and aching creativity. The editors and contributors bring out atmospheric conditions that further potential healing and growth. It emphasizes psycho-social elements that touch heart and mind and a felt sense of what may be possible.”
- Michael Eigen, author of The Psychotic Core, The Sensitive Self, and The Challenge of Being Human,