Biographical note
1. The philanthropic mission of comparative and international education bequeathed by Jullien: continuing capstone of the field 2. Is Marc-Antoine Jullien de Paris the ‘father’ of comparative education? 3. Travelling researchers, colonial difference: comparative education in an age of exploration 4.The Internet as a tool for informal education: a case of Uyghur language websites 5. A critique of PISA and what Jullien’s plan might offer 6. Revisiting Jullien in an era of globalisation 7. The making of comparability: education indicator research from Jullien de Paris to the 2030 sustainable development goals 8. Comparison as an approach to the experimental method 9. Identity as immunology: history teaching in two ethnonational borders of Europe 10. Forum: The rise of international large-scale assessments and rationales for participation