<i>'Transparency is a central plank of procurement law and policy, but is not a fishing licence for competitors. This important addition to the literature on procurement offers major contributions to our understanding of these issues in various European jurisdictions. It's a ''must have'' work for everyone interested in procurement law and practice.'</i><br /> --Laurence Gormley, University of Groningen, the Netherlands<p><i>'An essential book in the exploration of European procurement law. It shows that beyond the rules of transparency imposed by the directives, a wide scope is left to national discretion, particularly as regards publicity after the award of the contract. Although transparency is certainly a general principle of European public procurement law, and a strategic one, its concrete implementation is therefore subject to significant variations. The book renders an important service to future reflections on European procurement law by demonstrating this reality.'</i><br /> --Jean-Bernard Auby, University of Sciences Po, France</p>