This book addresses surveillance in action-related applications, and presents novel research on military, civil and cyber surveillance from an international team of experts. The first part of the book, Surveillance of Human Features, reviews surveillance systems that use biometric technologies. It discusses various novel approaches to areas including gait recognition, face-based physiology-assisted recognition, face recognition in the visible and infrared bands, and cross-spectral iris recognition.
The second part of the book, Surveillance for Security and Defense, discusses the ethical issues raised by the use of surveillance systems in the name of combatting terrorism and ensuring security. It presents different generations of satellite surveillance systems and discusses the requirements for real-time satellite surveillance in military contexts. In addition, it explores the new standards of surveillance using unmanned air vehicles and drones, proposes surveillance techniquesfor detecting stealth aircrafts and drones, and highlights key techniques for maritime border surveillance, bio-warfare and bio-terrorism detection.
The last part of the book, Cyber Surveillance, provides a review of data hiding techniques that are used to hinder electronic surveillance. It subsequently presents methods for collecting and analyzing information from social media sites and discusses techniques for detecting internal and external threats posed by various individuals (such as spammers, cyber-criminals, suspicious users or extremists in general). The book concludes by examining how high-performance computing environments can be exploited by malicious users, and what surveillance methods need to be put in place to protect these valuable infrastructures.
The book is primarily intended for military and law enforcement personnel who use surveillance-related technologies, as well as researchers, Master’s and Ph.D. students who are interested in learning about the latest advances in military, civilian and cyber surveillance.
Part I – Surveillance of Human Features.- A Survey of Using Biometrics for Smart Visual Surveillance: Gait Recognition.- Comparative Face Soft Biometrics for Human Identification.- Video-Based Human Respiratory Wavelet Extraction and Identity Recognition.- A Study on Human Recognition using Auricle and Side View Face Images.- Cross-spectral Iris Matching for Surveillance Applications.- Facial Surveillance and Recognition in the Passive Infrared Bands.- Deep Feature Learning for Classification when using Single Sensor Multi-Wavelength based Facial Recognition Systems in SWIR Band.- Part II – Surveillance for Security and Defense.- Managing Uncertainty from the Sky: Surveillance through three Generations of Commercial Earth Observation Satellites.- Drones Surveillance - Challenges and Techniques.- Early Warning Against Stealth Aircraft, Missiles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Mobile Data Fusion for Maritime Surveillance.- Mobile stand-off and stand-in surveillance against biowarfare and bioterrorism agents.- Social Networks for Surveillance and Security: ‘Using Online Techniques to make something happen in the real or cyber world’.- Surveillance, targeted killing and the fight against Terrorism: a fair-played game.- Part III – Cyber Surveillance Data Hiding in the Wild: Where Computational Intelligence Meets Digital Forensics.- Methods to Detect Cyber threats on Twitter.- Detecting Users Who Share Extremist Content on Twitter.- An Organizational Visualization Profiler Tool Based on Social Interactions.- Cyber-Surveillance Analysis for Supercomputing Environments.
This book addresses surveillance in action-related applications, and presents novel research on military, civil and cyber surveillance from an international team of experts. The first part of the book, Surveillance of Human Features, reviews surveillance systems that use biometric technologies. It discusses various novel approaches to areas including gait recognition, face-based physiology-assisted recognition, face recognition in the visible and infrared bands, and cross-spectral iris recognition.
The second part of the book, Surveillance for Security and Defense, discusses the ethical issues raised by the use of surveillance systems in the name of combatting terrorism and ensuring security. It presents different generations of satellite surveillance systems and discusses the requirements for real-time satellite surveillance in military contexts. In addition, it explores the new standards of surveillance using unmanned air vehicles and drones, proposes surveillance techniquesfor detecting stealth aircrafts and drones, and highlights key techniques for maritime border surveillance, bio-warfare and bio-terrorism detection.
The last part of the book, Cyber Surveillance, provides a review of data hiding techniques that are used to hinder electronic surveillance. It subsequently presents methods for collecting and analyzing information from social media sites and discusses techniques for detecting internal and external threats posed by various individuals (such as spammers, cyber-criminals, suspicious users or extremists in general). The book concludes by examining how high-performance computing environments can be exploited by malicious users, and what surveillance methods need to be put in place to protect these valuable infrastructures.
The book is primarily intended for military and law enforcement personnel who use surveillance-related technologies, as well as researchers, Master’s and Ph.D. students who are interested in learning about the latest advances in military, civilian and cyber surveillance.
Biographical note
Panagiotis Karampelas holds a Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering from the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK and a Master of Science degree from the Department of Informatics, Kapodistrian University of Athens with specialization in “High Performance Algorithms”. He also holds a Bachelor degree in Mathematics from the same University majoring in Applied Mathematics. He has worked for 3 years as an associate researcher in the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Institute of Computer Science. During this collaboration, he had the opportunity to work in numerous European funded research projects in the area of Information Society Technologies Programme practicing his expertise in User Interface Design, Usability Evaluation and Programming. He has also worked for several years as a user interface designer and usability expert in several IT companies designing and implementing large-scale research and commercial information systems. Among others he collaborated with Hellenic Army, General Staff, Signal Directorate as Studies and Research Officer, IntelliSolutions, Greece as Senior Developer implementing large-scale information systems in Vodafone Greece, General Bank of Greece, Microsoft, etc. Then he joined Hellenic American University as Assistant Professor teaching human computer interaction, programming, managing information systems and database management in the Graduate and Undergraduate programs. In parallel, he was visiting the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education, Greece as Assistant Professor teaching courses at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Educators. Currently, he is with the Department of Informatics and Computers, at the Hellenic Air Force Academy teaching courses to pilots and engineers.
His areas of interest include Human Computer Interaction, Information Visualization, Data Mining, Social Network Analysis, Counterterrorism Informatics, Power Management System, Artificial Neural Networks,Power Transmission and Distribution Systems. He has published a number of books and research articles in his major areas of interests in international journals and conferences. He is the author of the book “Techniques and Tools for Designing an Online Social Network Platform” published in Lecture Notes in Social Networks (2013) and one of the Editors in the book “Electricity Distribution - Intelligent Solutions for Electricity Transmission and Distribution Networks” in the Book Series Energy Systems (2016). He is also a contributor to the Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. He serves as a Series Editor in the Book Series Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications and as an Associate Editor in the Social Network Analysis and Mining journal. He also serves as program committee member in a large number of scientific journals and international conferences in his fields of interests. He is also member of the Advisory Board and organizer of the European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC) and participates in the Organizing Committee of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM).