…a unique digest that incorporates all the specialized legal documents and basic texts that one might need when engaging in international dispute settlement. This book is both useful and practical in that it helps practitioners and students alike to find relevant sources quickly, thereby saving time spent on research… a recommended resource especially for those who could do with a through, structured and concise handbook of the fundamental texts. The book is great for practitioners of justice, lawmakers, students or those who simply show interest in international dispute settlement.
- Yaroslava Sorokhtey, Association for International Arbitration Newsletter, 'In Touch'
...an excellent collection of documents in the field of peaceful settlement of international disputes. It is a very useful work of reference for students and scholars studying international law and international dispute settlement, as well as for practitioners working in international fields.
- Yoshifumi Tanaka, Cambridge Law Journal, Volume 72(1)
...this collection could prove handy for...students or those who need finger-tip ready access to some of the basic texts and treaties forming the bases of international law.
The freely available nature of this material is by no means a reason not to publish such a collection.
- Timothy L. Foden, Transnational Dispute Management
No substantive area of international dispute settlement has been left untouched, and one is left with the impression that a considered expertise has been brought to bear in the selection of the material. The reviewer—who spends a not inconsiderable amount of time engaged in a similar field—is happy to have this volume within arm's reach, and encourages others interested in the field to do the same.
- Cameron Miles, Cambridge Journal of International & Comparative Law