There are several striking aspects to this publication. The analysis is refreshingly revealing about the potential for legal institutions, rules, actors and norms to attune more closely to inclusion and diversity in a sense well beyond feminism … This book brings rightful reflection to the very heart of a legal system’s ability to address life as it is lived, and to explore potential to break down rather than perpetuate inequalities.
- Margaret L Ross, University of Aberdeen, Edinburgh Law Review
<i>Scottish Feminist Judgments</i> demonstrates the maturity of feminist judging as a critical legal method … This Scottish project, in the honesty and openness of its feminist methods, and in its willingness to pluralise the feminist languages of law, both brings us a little closer to feminist legal futures and identifies some of the blocks that keep us from achieving them.
- Mairead Enright, University of Birmingham, Social & Legal Studies
A rich and wide-ranging collection which promotes genuine reflection on the current state of the legal landscape. It deserves to be widely read, both within and beyond the academy.
- Arlie Loughnan, University of Sydney, Journal of Law and Society
The book represents one output in a very significant project, the achievements of which are many. The <i>Scottish Feminist Judgments Project</i> has included exhibitions, a cycle tour, podcasts and workshops across Scottish universities. It has captivated students, scholars and practitioners alike and will undoubtedly continue to inform and inspire well into the future.
- Rachel McPherson, University of Glasgow, Modern Law Review
This is a worthy collection that deserves to be centred in legal education and practice … It has created a space to reimagine what law might be.
- Lynsey Mitchell, Juridical Review