<p>"This collection of concisely written articles by a group of leading European and international scholars provides a compelling introduction to important environmental policy themes from both historical and contemporaneous perspectives. Key analytical concepts and paradigms which have guided environmental policy making over the past decades are discussed, factors affecting environmental policy performance and environmental policy change are introduced, and the challenges that will need to be overcome to achieve transformations of energy systems and urban environments are considered. A broad range of topics, including geoengineering, indigenous knowledge in climate policy, the role of litigation, and new forms of environmental activism are covered. The book will be of great use to teachers, students and practitioners looking for a solid overview of central environmental policy concepts, research questions, and empirical approaches."</p><p><strong>Miranda Schreurs</strong>, <em>Professor of Environmental and Climate Policy, Technical University of Munich</em></p><p>"This fascinating book provides a wide-ranging overview of advances in the study of environmental policy over the past few decades. The editors are to be commended for their selection of cutting-edge topics and of top-rate scholars to cover them. A great volume that provides an overview of key topic in environmental policy and highlights recent advances in scholarship."</p><p><strong>James Meadowcroft</strong>, <em>Professor at the School of Public Policy, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada</em></p>
This Handbook provides a state-of-the-art review of research on environmental policy and governance.
The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy has a strong focus on new problem structures – a perspective that emphasizes the preconditions and processes of environmental policymaking – and a comparative approach that covers all levels of local, national, and global policymaking. The volume examines the different conditions under which environmental policymaking takes place in different regions of the world and tracks the theoretical, conceptual, and empirical developments that have been made in recent years. It also highlights emerging areas where new and/or additional research and reflection are warranted. Divided into four key parts, the accessible structure and the nature of the contributions allow the reader to quickly find a concise expert review on topics that are most likely to arise in the course of conducting research or developing policy, and to obtain a broad, reliable survey of what is presently known about the subject.
The resulting compendium is an essential resource for students, scholars, and policymakers working in this vital field.
1 Introduction: A Research Agenda for Environmental Policy Analysis – Past, Present, and Future; PART I Analytical Concepts and Paradigms in Environmental Policy Analysis 2 Emergence and Development of the Environmental Policy Field; 3 Environmental Policy Outputs, Outcomes, and Impacts; 4 The Environmental State; 5 Polycentric Governance; 6 Ecological Modernization and Beyond; PART II Determinants of Environmental Policy Performance 7 Determinants of Performance in National Environmental Policies; 8 Bureaucracy and Environmental Policy; 9 Analytical Perspectives on Environmental Policy Integration; 10 Environmental Policy Implementation; 11 Environmental Policy Evaluation; 12 International Public Administrations in Environmental Governance; 13 The Role of Litigation of Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations in Environmental Politics and Policy; 14 Indigenous and Local Knowledge in Environmental Decision Making: The Case of Climate Change; 15 The Science–Policy Interface and Evidence-Based Policymaking in Environmental Policy: Promises and Pitfalls; PART III Environmental Policy Change 16 Policy Change and Policy Accumulation in the Environmental Domain: Causes and Consequences; 17 Leaders, Pioneers, and Followers in Environmental Governance; 18 Convergence and Diffusion of Environmental Policies; 19 Policy Design for Sustainable Energy and the Interplay of Procedural and Substantive Policy Instruments; 20 Securitization, Climate Change, and Energy; 21 Environmental Policy Dynamics in Southeast Asia: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back; PART IV Transformation of Environmental Policies: Paradigmatic Challenges 22 The Challenge of Long-Term Environmental Policy; 23 Cities and Urban Transformations in Multi-Level Climate Governance; 24 Policy Mixes for Addressing Environmental Challenges: Conceptual Foundations, Empirical Operationalisation, and Policy Implications; 25 Fifty Shades of Sufficiency: Semantic Confusion and No Policy; 26 The New Climate Movement: Organization, Strategy, and Consequences; 27 Geoengineering and Public Policy: Framing, Research, and Deployment; 28 Environmental Policymaking in Authoritarian Countries: The Cases of Singapore and Russia; 29 Environmental Policy in Fast-Growing Economies: The Case of India; 30 Conclusions: Past Achievements and Future Directions for Environmental Policy Research
Biographical note
Helge Jörgens is Associate Professor of Public Policy at Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon and Integrated Researcher at CIES-Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology, Portugal.
Christoph Knill is Full Professor of Political Science at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, Germany.
Yves Steinebach is Associate Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration at the University of Oslo, Norway.