Biographical note
Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, PhD (ad eund, Cantab), DPhil (Oxon), MEM (Yale), BCL & LLB (McGill), BA Hons (Carl/UVic) FRSC FRSA WIJA holds the Chair in Sustainable Development Law and Policy at the University of Cambridge, as Law Fellow, Director of Studies and Programme Director in Lucy Cavendish College. She also serves as Senior Director of the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Climate Law and Governance Initiative and Vice-President of the International Law Association (ILA) of Canada, among others. As former senior legal advisor to the International Development Law Organization, the UNFCCC Presidency and other intergovernmental organizations, treaty bodies and governments, as well as editor/board of several law journals and book series, she has published over 26 books and 160 papers on law, policy and sustainable development including climate change, and is a co-recipient of the Climate Law and Governance Global Leadership Award, as well as laureate of the Justicia Fundamentum Regnorum, the Weeramantry International Justice Award (WIJA) and other distinguished honours.
Christina Voigt, PhD (Oslo), LLM.Env. (Auckland), Rechtswissenschaft (Passau and Munich), is full Professor of Law at the Department of Public and International Law, University of Oslo, Norway, and chair of the IUCN World Commission of Environmental Law and Member of the IUCN Council. Author of numerous academic articles, a monograph, and several edited volumes including Non-Compliance Mechanisms versus International Courts, Research Handbook on REDD+ and International Law and Rule of Law for Nature , she holds the inaugural Junior Scholarship Prize of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law among other distinguished awards and honours. She has served the Norwegian government as lead negotiator on REDD+ and as principal legal advisor in the UN climate negotiations; negotiating, inter alia, the Paris Agreement and its Rulebook. She has served co-facilitator for the negotiations on the rules for the Paris Agreement´s implementation and compliance committee (PAICC). In 2019, she was elected by the first meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement as a member of PAICC and currently serves as inaugural Co-Chair of the PAICC.