Every subject of the Russian Empire had an official, legal place in
society marked by his or her social estate, or _soslovie_. These
_sosloviia_ (noble, peasant, merchant, and many others) were usually
inherited, and defined the rights, opportunities, and duties of those
who possessed them. They were also usually associated with membership
in a specific geographically defined society in a particular town or
village. Moreover, although laws increasingly insisted that every
subject of the empire possess a _soslovie_ "for the common good and
their own well-being," they also allowed individuals to change their
_soslovie_ by following a particular bureaucratic procedure. The
process of changing soslovie brought together three sets of actors:
the individuals who wished to change their opportunities or duties, or
who at times had change forced upon them; local societies, which
wished to control who belonged to them; and the central, imperial
state, which wished above all to ensure that every one of its subjects
had a place, and therefore a status. This book looks at the many ways
that soslovie could affect individual lives and have meaning, then
traces the legislation and administration of _soslovie_ from the early
eighteenth through to the early twentieth century. This period saw a
shift from soslovie as above all a means of extracting duties or
taxes, to an understanding of _soslovie_ as instead a means of
providing services and ensuring security. The book ends with an
examination of the way that a change in _soslovie_ could affect not
just an individual's biography, but the future of his or her entire
family. The result is a new image of soslovie as both a general and a
very specific identity, and as one that had persistent meaning, for
the Imperial statue, for local authorities, or for individual
subjects, even through 1917.
Les mer
Social Estates in Imperial Russia
Oxford University Press
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