<i>‘Carlos Correa has in these two </i>Research Handbooks<i> on the TRIPS Agreement, done a magnificent job of bringing together a large number of scholars to analyse the many issues raised by the Agreement. The result is an integrated resource of high quality that helps readers to understand the many complex dimensions of TRIPS.’</i>
- Peter Drahos, RegNet, The Australian National University, Canberra,
<i>‘TRIPs is the only positive integration type of agreement in the WTO. Scholars have legitimately in my view, questioned its inclusion in the WTO since the protection of IP rights is no more a trade issue than many other similar issues. This is the first time that a set of well-known experts has dealt in a comprehensive manner with the vast array of issues regarding the coming-into-being, the functioning and the perspectives of the TRIPs regime under the aegis of the WTO. These two volumes will provide very useful guidance to students and policymakers alike dealing with protection of IP rights and international trade.’</i>
- = Petros C. Mavroidis, Columbia Law School, US and University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland,