An enlightening, well-written, nicely segmented contribution to mediation development in the UK ... this is essential knowledge for anyone involved in mediation in England & Wales or in any country that follows or is influenced by UK practice.
Kluwer Mediation Blog (Review of a previous edition)
Tony Allen is one of the most experienced mediators in the UK, and <i>Mediation Law and Civil Practice</i> is essential knowledge for anyone involved in mediations in the UK or in any country that follows UK practice. Overall, this is a most valuable and enlightening contribution to mediation development in the UK.
- Michael Leathes Director, International Mediation Institute (Review of a previous edition),
Whether you are an academic looking for a scholarly insight into the principles of mediation law in civil practice, a mediator, potential participant in mediation either as an advisor or an individual, or even just someone with an interest in the subject, I unhesitatingly recommend this book.
- Brian Dawson, Mediator & Deputy District Judge, New Law Journal (Review of a previous edition)
The book has been well written in a straight forward and logical manner and as a result it is an in-depth and authoritative guide that will be useful to not only practising mediators but also the judiciary, lawyers, academics, students (both under and post graduate) and mediation providers
- Mukesh Basra QDR, The Expert and Dispute Resolver, Summer 2014, Vol 19, No.2 (Review of a previous edition)
With the increasing use and importance of ADR, it is essential that the law and practice underpinning mediation are well-understood by practitioners, policy-makers and judges. There are few, if any, practitioners who are as well qualified as Tony Allen to undertake that task..He clearly and concisely considers all issues that anyone who is, or indeed who ought to be, concerned in any way with mediation needs to know in order to navigate the relationship between law and mediation.
- Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Foreword to the Second Edition
Here you have all you need to know and more...this textbook will become the ADR bible. I unreservedly recommend it
- The Rt Hon Sir Alan Ward, Foreword to the 1st Edition