This excellent collection of essays in honour of John Fleming reflects both his international influence in several legal systems, and also his personal influence as a communicator, teacher and legal problem-solver ... throughout the text, this collection manages (like the scholar it honours) to combine the examination of broad general principles and policies, drawing on several legal categories and systems to see problems in their grand context, whilst at the same time exploring those same problems with a sharp eye for individual detail and nuance ... a thoroughly scholarly and absorbing collection. It is good value - more comprehensive than many other collections of similar price - and can be recommended as a worthy tribute to "the doyen of tort writers".
Janet O'Sullivan, The Cambridge Law Journal 1999
This Festschrift is a worthy tribute to the towering contribution of Fleming to legal scholarship ... The volume is a valuable contribution to the analysis of contemporary tort problems. It will be of great interest to scholars, advocates and judges throughout the common law jursidictions, and also in European countries.
Johan Steyn, Law Quarterly Review, October 1999