"... a very accessible introduction to a variety of perspectives on social welfare citizenship." Work, Employment & Society "This is an interesting book. Dwyer offers a very accessible introduction to a variety of perspectives on social welfare citizenship." Young People Now "... deserves a wider audience than most academic texts." SCOLAG Legal Journal "... adds a fresh dimension to what can be a dry, though important topic." Disability & Society "... an interesting and challenging book which deserves a wide readership." Housing Studies "... a considered and valuable contribution to our understanding of the ways in which the foundations of our social citizenship are currently being re-constituted. Its particular importance stems from the fact that it is based on a perceptive and engaging study of the views of grass-roots service users." Hartley Dean "The combination of an accessible introduction to current debates and an empirical study of the views of welfare users makes this a valuable addition to the literature on social citizenship. The views of welfare users are thoughtful and thought-provoking; they provide important 'feedback' on key areas of government policy. The book deserves to be read widely." Ruth Lister "... an excellent book ... the model developed by Dwyer enables a range of potentially difficult material to be conveyed systematically an in an undergraduate student accessible format." David Crimmens, Faculty of Social and Life Sciences, University of Lincolnshire and Humberside