This volume tackles a daunting challenge: to explain how research in social care, a specialist domain of academic institutions, can become participative by drawing users into the process. In this it succeeds and the promise in the editors' short introduction largely realized - to explore various 'methodologies that engage participants and promote a sense of mutality in the research process.
- International Social Worker,
An excellent resource book for those wanting to undertake evaluations, research, and health and social care practice, which seek to encourage participation, involvement, and partnership with, and emancipation and empowerment of, users of health and welfare services.
- Age and Ageing,
These are honest accounts of processes, outcomes and the roles played by other stakeholders (including funders) in promoting or resisting user involvement. They draw on an unusually wide range of experience across health and social care, involving disabled people, older people, female offenders, and people with sickle cell or thalassaemia, among others.
- Communtiy Care,
This is an interesting book, which examines different ways of including service users and their families, friends or carers in social care research. The opening and closing chapters discuss the wider debates about involvement and participation. The majority of the chapters give examples from a variety of different settings. This variety is a key strength, as children and families, older people, disabled people, patients of primary care, female offenders and carers (including young carers) are variously involved or participate in research. [I]t will be very useful for studetns, teachers, and researchers across the field of social care.
- Open Mind,